Thursday, August 8, 2013


Dressed in sweats thinking I was in for the day River's mom surprised me by saying we were all going out. I quickly threw on some presentable clothes and hoping no one would get too close, quickly slapped on some make up. I then came in and helped get River ready by putting on his shoes. Up close and in his face, I was noticing that he looked very puzzled. Then out of his mouth came..."Nana, are your eyes going to crack off?"  I had forgotten to moisturize.


River and I were sitting at the table painting in his coloring book when I noticed him looking at my hand. I asked him what he was doing. River said, "What do those letters spell Nana?" I said, "What letters?"
 River said, "Those letters" as he pointed to the veins that trailed from my wrist to the knuckles on the back of my hand. I just told him at night after he went to sleep they spelled I love you. Gotta love 'em.


As River sat down for lunch he looked up over his head at his new happy face balloon that seemed to follow him around the room. After taking a few bites of his sandwich, he looked at me and said " it's a good thing God isn't a balloon, he would only get as high as the ceiling."

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


In January River had asked if I was going to be at his house for Valentines day this year.  I told him I wasn't but I would be calling him and sending him a wish.So tonight I called him and told him to have a nice valentines day at school tomorrow passing out his valentines and that I will be sending him a wish...He said.."A wish? You mean like...I wish I had a Super Mario 2 Movie Wish?" I said no.  Like "I wish you a HAPPY VALENTINES DAY wish. He said.."Oh..that wish is just for your BRAIN"
                                                                                                                 (Feb. 14, 2013)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I went to the Montgomery County Fair in August and as I exited the sheep barn I was asked if I would like to buy a raffle ticket. When I asked what it was for the girls told me it was to win a sheep or pig. I told the girl I would just love a sheep or pig but I lived in a condo and that certainly was not big enough. Then to my dismay she replied "oh no, we cut it up for you" : (

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Last Friday I overheard a conversation between River and his dad. He was adamant on the fact that his classmate had eaten "strawberry" steak that day at school for lunch. (Fall 2012)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

One L'l Two L'l Three L'l Belly Buttons

River walked in with his holding his shirt up to his neck head down and looking quite puzzled. I asked him what was wrong. Pointing to his two nipples and one belly button, he asked how come all of his belly buttons didn't match. ( Fall 2012)