Thursday, September 6, 2012

"Who Moved Those Rocks?"

River and I were walking on his beach last week when he noticed the tide was unusually low. He looked really baffled and asked me.." Nana..who moved all those rocks back?"   (Summer 2012)


When I visit River we spend a lot of time on his beach. His Pop Pop manages a restaurant there on the water. As we began one of our usual picnic lunches, his Pop Pop called him over to the restaurant and gave him a bag of chips and some candy for his picnic. He opened the chips and made a squinchy face. The chips were sea salt and vinegar. I asked him if he would like to exchange them. He said no they would  but wondered if he swallowed baking soda could he blow a volcano out of his butt. : )  (summer 2012)

Once in a "Blue Moon"

August 31st was the date of a "blue moon." Forgetting what it meant, I stood there with him at the glass doors pondering the moon. He looked up at me and said.."Oh Nana, we must be too late. They must have already stripped off the blue paint and painted it white again" (summer 2012)

Made in "China"

When I went to Myrtle Beach this past Spring I came across something really cool for River. He doesn't like it when the lights go out when it storms so I picked up a little flashlight looking just like a bumble bee that charges each time you wind it and holds that charge for a good amount of time. It has a switch that turns off and on. It was just the right size to put in his pocket or go under his pillow.

This past weekend I it was his bed time, a storm was brewing, and he began winding it up. Just as I was about to read he turned the bumble bee over and, reading the bottom, said.."Wow! Nana! You went all the way to China to get this for me?!!" (summer 2012)