Monday, August 20, 2012


As usual there were not enough check out clerks in the store so the line was long. Finally another isle opened up so I shuffled River into that isle. Ahead of us was a lady that happened to have an EXTREMELY bulbous rear end that one could put a lunch tray on that just happened to be eye level to River. Fortunately he was looking elsewhere and I held my breath as she made her purchase. Then...out 
of the corner of my eye..WHIP! I saw a double case of whiplash and immediately went in to silent prayer. He said.."Nana..Look at that BIG BUTT!! I said.."Shhh!. He said.."WOW! Look how that butt is sticking out!"..I sternly whispered "stop it..that's rude"..he then said.."oh that's right I am sorry I am not suppose to say that word..but I can say that is huge" He is not allowed to say "butt" (summer 2012)

1 comment:

  1. Loving the stories, Sheila, keep 'em coming!
    (Judi S)
