Monday, August 20, 2012

Hugs Can Be Strange

River visited me the summer he was about to turn 4. Taking our walk across the street to the shopping center as we always do, we have to pass by two fire hydrants. They are painted dark green on top and light green on the bottom. Part of his disorder included many out of the ordinary surprises and to stop and hug the fire hydrants each time we passed seemed to be something he had to do. Still not speaking he could not tell me why he had to do this. He was only 3 1/2 and really small so he got away with it. lol With autism shapes and shadows can be seen exactly as they appear.  I pondered one of those fire hydrants a couple of days ago. With the lighter color on the bottom and the darker on top looked like a little man standing there with a hat and his were stretched out waiting for a hug.

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